I Wish I Would Have [BLANK]!

I had two thoughts as I prepared this blog post. 

I wish I would have run earlier!

Yesterday morning, I went out for a run to beat the afternoon heat. Although I woke up around 7 a.m., I started my run at 9:30 a.m. Part of my hesitation was the lack of desire to run eight quarter-mile intervals at my 5K pace. Of course, once I was out there, I had no problem completing them and was happy with my progress. However, at 9:45 a.m., the sun broke through the clouds. It was not unbearable, but if I started earlier, I could have done the bulk of my workout with partly cloudy skies.

I wish I would have started my 10K training sooner!

I was looking at my statistics in Garmin Connect and saw that I logged 36.5 miles for the past seven days (July 9-15). The last time I had a volume of miles almost that high was in late April/early May, and those weeks topped out at 33 miles. As I wrapped up my 5K training, I was in a no man’s land regarding a disciplined training plan for about a month and the lack of weekly mileage shows. I wish I would have started 10K training sooner. I’m happy with the consistency from training with a plan.

What do you wish you would have done sooner? Let me know in the comments below.


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