S & C FTW?

Graphic of a running performing an air squat and another runner performing a lunge

In the past week, I completed three very light bodyweight strength and conditioning (S & C) workouts. Most of the workouts were air squats, but I included some forward and reverse lunges on some days. One day, I attempted single-leg squats, and my legs were not yet ready for that level of intensity.

I took eight days off from running. I had a pain-free run on Monday. The goal was to run 5K or until I felt quad pain. I was able to run all 5K. After the run, I wore a quad/thigh compression sleeve for a few hours. The following day, I felt a minuscule stiffness in my quad. The plan is to complete a round of S & C today and run up to 3.5 miles tomorrow.

It was nice to have a run that felt good. Seeing posts of runners participating in spring marathons and half marathons makes me want to get out there and start crushing some PRs.

I don’t have any plans for upcoming races, but do you? Please let me know what you're running in the comments below.


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