Cautiously Optimistic
Despite what feels like a couple of roadblocks the past few weeks, I think I’m back in the running game. I have noticed improvements in form with my glute activation warmups. When I complete reverse lunges and fire hydrants, I can stand on one leg with better balance and control. About ten days ago, I attempted a single-leg squat and could only move down a couple of inches. Now, I can move almost halfway down.
It is paying off on my runs. I don’t have quad pain while running. I feel stronger like my quads and glutes are pushing me forward, similar to how a tailwind or running downhill pushes you faster. I felt some adductor engagement in a run last week, which leads me to believe I use more leg muscles to run.
I flirted with danger on a pace run last week. I was bored of running base miles and wanted a pace run. Since I was not training for a race, I did not know what pace I should run. I started with a marathon-pace run but ran near my half-marathon pace for the first mile. I tried to run my half-marathon pace for the second mile but ended up near my 10 K pace. At this point, I wanted to negative split the workout and kept up the pace. The entire run felt good, but it wasn’t until after the run that I worried about my quad. When I got up from sitting after my cool down, I felt some tightness in my quad. The following day, I took a rest day and walked. The 4.5-mile base run that followed felt good.
How do you know that you are ready to return from injury? Please let me know in the comments below.
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