Michael Lee, Learning Experience Designer

My portfolio is complete, and my LinkedIn profile has been updated to showcase my background in instructional design. I invite my blog readers and Instagram followers to take a sneak peek before I announce I am open to work on LinkedIn.

Catholic school administrators are unsung heroes.  Quite often, they need to do the work of an entire district office. Not only are they responsible for ensuring students are learning. They are responsible for promoting the school’s Catholic identity, hiring teachers and staff, onboarding new employees, approving payroll, custodial work (when something needs to be cleaned up or repaired and no one else can help), fundraising, budget creation and monitoring, approving expenses, reporting to stakeholders, capital improvement projects, marketing, retention, staff evaluations, and the list goes on. The number of employees reporting directly to a Catholic elementary school principal is staggering. Throw in a pandemic that shut down all schools and forced them to go virtual, then hybrid, and back in person, and the workload of a principal just increased exponentially. It’s an incredibly fulfilling job, but it is a whole lot of work.

Considering the wide range of responsibilities, I thought a principal would have the upper hand in landing an initial interview. Although I am very proud of what I accomplished as a principal, I realized that these achievements don’t translate to what hiring managers are looking for when searching for an instructional designer. I recognized that I needed to cross-reference my past experiences with instructional designer responsibilities and demonstrate the skills of an instructional designer.

I’ve done just that over the past couple months. I have conducted in-depth research on instructional design methodologies, comprehensively understanding their relationship with adult learning theories to create compelling learning experiences. Like many of the topics you have seen on this blog, I conduct my research to learn. Then I make, fix, or run. In this case, I made my portfolio, which you can find at https://MikeLXD.com


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