Marathon Training Is Like a Roller Coaster

Just when you think your training is going in the wrong direction, it changes direction.

My recent half-marathon experience was not the race I wanted. I was nowhere near my A, B, or C goal. It made me ponder if I picked a proper-sized marathon goal pace of 9:20/mi.

On Tuesday, I needed help keeping my 9-mile base run in Z2, which made me question my easy pace.

My Wednesday hill repeats felt like a slog, but I hit all my interval times.

My Friday marathon pace run at 9:22/mi. was close to my original marathon pace of 9:20/mi, but I finished the run wondering how to sustain that for another 15 miles.

Saturday’s 19-mile long run looked good for the first downhill and flat 8 miles. The next 1.5 flat miles to the turnaround point and the 9.5-mile return were not as good. It did get progressively hotter. I preferred a faster average pace but kept it in Z2 or lower for 92% of the run. The lack of wind meant less dust and pollen, which made this better than the 17-mile long run two weeks prior. Thankfully, my gastrointestinal issues have subsided.

Monday’s 10-mile base run gave me hope. I was coming off a 60+ mile week. The sky was overcast. The temperatures were 10 degrees cooler than Saturday. I kept it in Z2 or lower 92% of the time. In the last 5 miles, the uphill slowed me down, but my legs kept trying to go faster while my heart rate stayed in check.  It made me think that training was going in the correct direction. 

I still don’t know what to do about pacing for CIM. At first, I wanted to aim for 4:15 with a 10-1/2 minute buffer pace of 9:20/mi. Am I biting off more than I can chew? Should I aim for a 4:30 with a 10-minute buffer of 9:55/mi.? I need to see how my three 20-mile long runs go. I suppose if I can get them in the 10:30-10:50/mi. range, the 4:15 goal time is probably possible. My other data points are my two remaining 10-mile pace runs.

Have you run a marathon lately? I would love to hear about your pacing strategies. I am keen on how you pick your goal pace.


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