Finishing Touches: This or That?
This week, I spent time putting the finishing touches on my Articulate Rise 360 Food Scrap Recycling project and my Articulate 360 Storyline Marathon Heart Rate Training project. My 30-day trial is scheduled to end today, and I wanted to make sure all of the assets I needed were downloaded and functional before I’m cut off.
The lead image for this post was borne from feedback on my flagship project. There is an option for the user to ask the coach for advice in many of the scenarios. However, with a busy background, the phone on the left became hard to find. This is just one example of my work this week. As I put on the finishing touches, I asked, “This or that?”
This week, I learned how to use Google Cloud. Apparently, I have a bucket, and in the bucket, I have my portfolio files. I feel like a professional web developer when the files that I have stored start with
I continue to write descriptions about my two portfolio projects and am very excited to move on to the next phase of becoming an instructional designer. I can’t wait to share them with you so you can see what I have been up to.
How has your week been? What have you accomplished? I would love to hear about it in the comments below.
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