Injured Again!

Last week started out with a recovery run followed by core exercises. Toe strain developed after the run and into the night. The symptoms were very similar to when I injured myself during marathon training in April. I took two days off from running. I did not need to ice my foot, but I did take a fair amount of ibuprofen. My Wednesday run was pain-free, and I returned to my planned training schedule.

I have been working to determine the cause of my toe pain. In April, I thought the culprit for my pain was due to cramming my foot into my shoe. However, this time I was meticulous in putting on my shoes. There are two more similarities with this injury when compared to April. Both occurred after a recovery run with core exercises, which leads me to the conclusion that my recovery run, the core exercises, or both are causing me pain. My recovery run may be changing my running form since my pace is much slower than my easy pace. It’s also possible that I put more weight through my toe during my planks this time. The is also a possible interaction effect of both running form and core exercise form. I plan to keep an eye on my running form during my next recovery run. Since April, I have safely run many recovery runs and completed many core exercises. I’m not sure what the trigger is yet.

How was your week of running? Please let me know in the comments below.


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