Tackling Toe Trouble
Is the Third Time the Trigger for Treatment? I have had a recurring toe injury, and I need to figure out what I can do to keep myself from being sidelined in the future. A Brief Recap On April 11, 2023 ( Lessons Re-learned: Haste Makes Waste and Listen to Your Body ), I ran a 4-mile recovery run in Z1. I worked on posture and running tall. After the run, I ran five strides and did some core work. I felt pain in my big left toe after the core work. The next day, I had some toe pain while walking. It felt better to run than walk. Like an idiot, I decided to run 10 miles at my marathon pace. I did not have much pain in my foot until the last mile. I chalked it up to jamming my shoe on my foot on my recovery run. I lost four days of running. The pain was so bad I considered going to urgent care. On June 25, 2023 ( Injured Again! ), I ran a 3-mile recovery run in Z1. After the run, I ran five strides, did some core work, and stretched. Toe strain developed after the run and into the night, ...