From Marathon Blues to Marathon Fever
Picture from my first post-marathon recovery run. Google, Hangar One, and NASA Ames from the San Francisco Bay Trail. After my first marathon ( Cascade Express Marathon ) on September 11, 2022, I had a case of the marathon blues. For those of you who may have never heard that term, it’s exactly like it sounds. It’s a sadness some runners feel after a marathon or any other race. Some runners get it when they accomplish their goal, which sounds counterintuitive; since you’d think they would be happy. Others get it when they don’t achieve their goal. I fell in the latter group. The only goal I completed was finishing the race. However, I wasn’t happy with the results. I was extremely sore. I injured myself when I should have been recovering. I couldn’t run. It was a pretty terrible experience. Following that experience, I vowed to do iliotibial band syndrome exercises, which I did for about a month. I also promised to do bodyweight core exercises, which I did do. I pledged to foam roll, w...